Monday, January 2, 2012


It is my firm belief that people cannot be happy unless they have a career doing what they truly love to do.  While this may seem quite intuitive, the majority of people I know are not doing what they love.  They wake up in the morning dreading their workday instead of actively embracing it.  I have seen this from many of my fellow graduates working in professional fields.  This is happening in my own life.  This blog represents my first step in pursuing doing what I love instead of working just to make money.

You see, my passion in life is using great products.  I love researching whatever I buy to make sure it is the best possible product in its class and has the maximum positive impact in my life, whether it’s a pair of shoes, headphones, a chair, etc.  For example, I love how Alden cordovan leather shoes are so incredibly comfortable and only use the absolute best genuine shell cordovan (horsehide) leather.  This leather is produced by the Horween Leather Company, the last remaining company in the United States that produces cordovan leather.  Horween is focused on making leather the right way, without cutting corners and sacrificing quality.  It’s companies like this that make products worth owning, products that help enrich people’s lives.  Their first concern is making their product the best they possibly can, and if they do that well enough, the money will come.  My ideal career in life is to use my business school education to guide companies like Horween Leather to acquire new customers, to help them develop their business plans to appeal to a younger generation that grew up in a world of advertising over substance.  It would be a great tragedy if these companies are forced out of business and drowned in a sea of mediocrity, killed off by cost cutting, outsourcing, and commoditization.  We, as consumers, cannot allow this to happen.

The goal of this blog is to educate people on what makes a product great and explain why they should buy them.  Conversely, I will also discuss products that are commonly perceived as “great” but are simply tricks of advertising over substance.

All opinions I express on this blog are purely my own.  I will never, ever highlight or endorse any product for monetary gain, but only do so because I have used it and believe it adds value to people’s lives.  This blog is to help you, the consumer, make better decisions about what you buy.  Never forget that every time you purchase something, you are voting with your dollars.  Vote for great products and great companies.  Hopefully my views help enable your life to be slightly richer.